#5: The Cannabis Coconut Oil 7-day Challenge

For readers who aren’t into cannabis, please hang in there, the challenge is almost over. For those of you who are interested in learning more about new ways to medicate with cannabis, only two more tasty meal ideas left! It will be hard to top #5.

All week, I’ve been thinking about a soft-boiled egg and speculating a little cannabis-infused coconut oil might be a perfect pairing. And it was. With tacos and tuna or even avocado toast, the coconut oil taste disappears. Perhaps it’s simply a matter of volume. Small portions are likely to reveal the taste of coconut. I found that to be true with peanut butter as well.

But runny egg yolk, soft egg whites and a little coconut oil? It’s a match made in heaven. I could only detect a hint of coconut, but it was just enough. No taste or smell of cannabis. Later, I wondered if a sprinkle of toasted salted coconut would be good on top, but maybe that’s gilding the lily. Or maybe for a poached egg?

As always, medicate carefully. I use only a scant dropperful, which is about 1/4 teaspoon.

Oh, and look at my cute oil dispenser! It’s glass, so if the oil firms up a bit, just take off the lid and microwave for a couple of seconds at low heat. It’s nice to have a dispenser on the counter top or at the table so you can easily add a bit of cannabis-infused coconut oil to individual portions.

I’ll do a proper wrap-up when the challenge is over, but for now, I’m a fan. It’s so simple to add a small amount of cannabis coconut oil to your daily diet, and I have found low doses to help me with post-mastectomy pain, inflammation and anxiety.

Overall, I just feel better and happier with a little cannabis in my system.

2 thoughts on “#5: The Cannabis Coconut Oil 7-day Challenge”

  1. I have thought about trying the CBD with no THC for my IBD. Haha, that sounds like a joke, but it is not. A friend gave me some lotion that I used on my bad knee and I swear it stopped hurting immediately. And a friend recently gave me a tiny drop under my tongue and I swear it helped my gut troubles. I am going to look into it, but the source I was recommended charges $220 for 100 ml or $129 for 60 capsules and I don’t know if I should shop around more. It is legal in both states I am connected to.

    1. I have no experience with capsules, but I do use high-CBD tincture. Mine has some THC — it is believed CBD and THC work better together. I made it myself for about $20 per ounce. Here’s a link to the post I wrote about tincture:

      Is DIY cannabis tincture for you?

      If you decide to go the DIY route, I recommend a Magical Butter Machine. A great tool if you can afford it. Here’s an affiliate link to the product:


      Good luck treating your IBD. I used to suffer from that, and I can see how cannabis might help.

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