Bloody Mary breakfast

A Bloody Mary for breakfast.

We kept saying we should have a Bloody Mary, but we vetoed it every time. For some weird reason, it’s not a cocktail we enjoy before dinner. For us, it’s more of a breakfast or lunch thing.

I’ve been trying to make healthy choices for breakfast … fruit, yogurt and granola … and a Bloody just didn’t seem to line up. But Dale made rye bread yesterday, and I had a vision of buttered homemade rye toast, bacon and Bloodies. We executed my vision this morning!

The Budweiser pint glass is part of a set I got during some kind of a promotion during the mid-90s. I remember cutting off the UPC codes from case after case of Budweiser. I wonder where all those Buds went? My sister made the olive skewers.

I love special plates, glassware, serving dishes and hand-made kitchen accessories. Since we’ve been in self-isolation, I’ve made more of an effort to use them and will continue to do so after this is over.

The drinks are three parts Bloody Mary mix to one part vodka. Bloody Mary mix is a controversial subject. Everyone has a favorite! I made these with Lefty O’Doul’s, which I like, but we both prefer Big Daddy’s. Both are made in California.

Then I add copious amounts of Worcester sauce, fresh lime, Tabasco sauce and horseradish. I stir it all up in a large Mason jar. We like them spicy and lovingly adorned with fresh crisp celery and green olives.

That description reminds me of a scene from the Netflix series, Grace and Frankie. Grace (Jane Fonda) wants a Bloody Mary, but for some reason, she can’t get one. Instead, she orders a shrimp cocktail, hold the shrimp, and then she pulls a mini-bottle from her purse and makes a drink out of it.

Before I put the ice cubes in, I squeeze lime juice around the rim and dip it in a mixture of Kosher salt and Old Bay Seasoning. Yes, I lick it off. Toward the end, I like to run my celery around the rim to catch anything I missed.

As proper Californians, we should switch to reusable straws. Note to self.

Anyway, breakfast was delicious. As for pandemic juice, I highly recommend the Bloody Mary. We each get only one, so it’s not too big of a buzz, and we could definitely drive if we had to go somewhere.

Oh, but we aren’t going anywhere, are we?

6 thoughts on “Bloody Mary breakfast”

  1. Looks delicious, Donna!
    I find myself gravitating towards Bloody Caesars at the moment. If I wasn’t able to pick up Clamato juice at the grocery store yesterday, the Bloody Mary would have been my next choice…


    1. I’ve never heard of a Bloody Caesar, but that sounds great! I recently heard of another drink called a Danish Mary — a Bloody made with aquavit. I would definitely try both!

  2. That Bloody Mary looks delicious. Like the Widow Badass, a Caesar would be my choice – clamato juice vs tomato juice (it’s a Canadian thing). I try not to think about clam juice too much. All I know is it tastes good. Horse radish is a good addition. I seldom drink anymore since experiencing epidsodes of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. I think about a shandy (beer & ginger ale), apple flavored Bud Light, gin & tonic, vodka with pepsi & lime, a Caesar. Then I think about a fuzzy head and say no. You’ll know the pandemic response has gotten the best of me when I delve into that liquor cupboard.

  3. Another vote for Clamato juice in a Ceaser. Must be a Canadian thing only. I remember a Canadian comic, Sean Cullen, doing a bit about “the lonesome wails of the clams being milked”.

    Here’s a Sean Cullen clip – kind of absurdist comedy. Your mileage may vary with him:

    1. Not much can compete with, “The lonesome wails of clams being milked.” Thanks!

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