Unflavored Gelatin Shortage?
Toilet paper, hand sanitizer, disinfectant wipes and other commodities that were off the radar for awhile seem to be back in stock, but have you looked for unflavored gelatin? I couldn’t find it online or in any store I visited. I did a Google search and found some food message boards with people asking if anyone else has noticed a shortage of unflavored gelatin.
I use unflavored gelatin to make marshmallows or occasionally something like a salmon mousse. I like to have some in the pantry, and I was completely out. After a couple of weeks, our local store had a box – but it was a 32-pack.
Bought it. It felt sort of like hoarding, but marshmallows can’t be silenced.
Although I don’t know what the issue is, in some ways, the 32-pack seems like a pretty slick marketing move.
Convince people there’s a shortage. No more of the little orange boxes to be found. Then introduce the jumbo supply of unflavored gelatin, and your sales immediately increase. I’m no marketing expert, but even I can see the flaws in this theory. The jumbo box is actually a lifetime supply, so when the surge is over, it’s over.
All that to say, I see marshmallows in my future.

Cannabis Kitty
In other serious matters, my cat has discovered marijuana. I have a small plant growing indoors, and all of the sudden, he was like, gee, I wonder what that is? Riley likes to sit on the window ledge and chomp on the leaves. He does not seem worse for the wear.
I researched it, and it seems lots of cats like to chew on the leaves. But they aren’t getting high, because the THC has not been activated by heat, and the leaves are pretty benign to begin with. I’m trying not to stress about it.
Welcome to Medicare
I’m officially on Medicare! I will turn 65 later this month, but Medicare went into effect today. I mentioned it to Dale when I got in the car with him to run an errand, and I said, “Don’t make me have to use it.” We have serious differences about how to drive and how to park.
But we do agree politically, so at least it’s not like living in the Conway family (of Kellyanne and George fame). I think I’d have to run away from home.
Anyway, the premiums are either deducted from your Social Security or paid quarterly. Unless something changes, I don’t plan on taking Social Security until my full retirement age, which is 66 and two months. I made my first quarterly payment.
I didn’t know this at first, and you might not either, but some of us pay more for Medicare than others, because they base it on your income taxes. My company paid out some long-term incentives that increased our income for two years after I retired, resulting in a higher Medicare premium.
Our income is back to retirement normal now, so the system should catch up and reduce our premiums within a couple of years. We file jointly, and Dale’s are higher, too, but he doesn’t notice, since it’s deducted from his Social Security.
This will also be the first year of getting the super-sized flu shot for those 65 and older. Yet another exciting milestone! I guess I’ll wait until late September or early October so it will last the whole season.
I didn’t know Medicare was based on income. Mine is $144 a month. Is yours a lot higher? You guys must have another income? We only have SS so maybe that’s why?? I have no idea. I took SS early because heck, I didn’t even know I’d be around in 5 years. Oh well, it’s all good. Barclay just harvested his first plant from one pot and he says it looks good. We’re still getting smokey skies but it seems better. How’s it over in Eldorado Hills? maybe the smoke is blowing in our direction?? Take care.
Hi Christina, $144 is the standard. There is an income-related adjustment if your income from two years ago is above a certain amount. I pay about double the standard. That’s because in my last job I was awarded long-term incentives that paid out after I retired, boosting our short-term income considerably. The adjustment will go down as our income declines. We should get to $144 within a couple of years. I was surprised, too, but it’s not a bad problem to have.
Glad to hear Barclay’s plant was successful. My first one was the best. Since then, the results have been disappointing.
The air quality isn’t good, but it is better than it was. I’ve been limiting my outdoor activities. I’ve been checking airnow.gov for air quality reports. And now we’re getting triple digit heat again!
Thanks for the info. I did think or vaguely remembered the $144 is standard? duh!!! Oh, I just read on the WP we are in for an extreme heatwave this weekend. It sounds very concerning for fire danger.
Bought some gelatin recently with no problem, but haven’t been able to find the parmesan cheese we use. Three different stores and no parmesan. Trader Joe’s had a different brand of parmesan so we bought that, but I found it hard to grate.
We were getting a lot of CA smoke here along with OR smoke and probably some of our own. A nice cold front came through and cleared it all out. It looks like it’s coming back, though, along with an increase in sage pollen. Oh, my aching sinuses!
Interesting how some things are available and some aren’t. Parmesan is a high priority!
That smoke sure does get around. I hope they are able to make progress in spite of the heat wave coming up.