Two days and a wake-up

OUr second vaccines

Dale and I have been counting down the days until we get our second Pfizer vaccines. While there were some delays due to weather, it looks like we’re on track to get ours on schedule. As we used to say in the military, it’s two days and a wake-up!

Then it’s a two-week wait, and of course, we understand nothing is risk-free. It’s not like we’re changing our lives. Still, I have an appointment for a haircut exactly two weeks after. That appointment is the only thing between me and an ugly episode of Hair Clippers Gone Wild.

Unless it gets really bad again, we’d like to go camping when it warms up. I need art supplies, and I’m looking forward to wandering around a store instead of ordering it on Amazon.

A home for my art?

Speaking of art, I’m still a little cautious about sharing my woodburning art projects with people who may not like them. My sisters-in-law each received one for Christmas, and I understand they were not impressed. I get it, art is personal, blah, blah, blah.

I wondered if I could donate them to a thrift store that benefits a non-profit organization I’d feel good about supporting. I found one shop that benefits a cat shelter, and that might well be my first stop.

As for the art, they may love it, they may hate it or my little creations might not be a good fit for their clientele, but once I’m in the immune-zone, I plan to pay a visit.

A cooking failure

We had a rare cooking failure this week. Dale and I both love fried oysters, and it’s one of the few things we don’t make at home. We have one of those big home deep fryers but rarely use it. I made onion rings in it a few years ago, and they were greasy and soggy. I thought the temperature gauge was off.

But we kept it. This week Dale decided to test it. He filled the fryer with oil and heated it up, setting the temperature to 350 and then 375 degrees. The thermostat registered the proper temperature after the appropriate amount of time, and he used a separate instant-read thermometer for cross-reference.

Then he bought fresh oysters and shucked them himself. These were tough to open, and it was quite a task. He also decided to make homemade French fries and coleslaw to go with. There was some sort of coating made with buttermilk and cornmeal, but I wasn’t paying attention at that point.

He cooked it all up, and the oysters and French fries were inedible greasy soggy messes. I also had the audacity to say he put too much mayonnaise in the coleslaw. That did not help. I believe he described it as “piling on.”

It seems the machine heats up properly but can’t maintain temperature. So totally not Dale’s fault, although he felt terrible. We both get quite devasted when our food fails for whatever reason.

Anyway, the fryer (not the person who fries) is gone, although we will probably look for another one. We don’t do the big fry often, but those jumbo-sized things are handy.

Books and TV

I’m almost finished with Schitt’s Creek, and I have enjoyed it much more since I basically told Dale he had to binge-watch it with me or pass. In other words, Schitt’s or get off the pot.

I just can’t get into a show when he only wants to watch it once a month. I love it, but I do wish David would get married already. This is taking forever.

I highly recommend Lupin on Netflix but with only six episodes, it was over way too fast. It’s a French show, dubbed, about the son of an immigrant from Senegal who grows up to be a world-class thief with a heart of gold and a penchant for amazing disguises. I understand there are more at the ready, but they are waiting until summer to release them.

I’m on the waiting list at the library for Jussi Adler-Olsen’s Victim 2117, the last of the Department Q series about Danish detective Carl Mørck. The previous book in the series told the back story of sidekick Rose, and I believe this one is about Assad – a great character with a secretive past.

Also from the library, I’m reading Beginners: The Joy and Transformative Power of Lifelong Learning by Tom Vanderbilt. I should probably do a complete review, but I’m not sure I will. I like it, and I suspect a lot of retirees will be inspired by it, but the author sort of annoys me. He’s a journalist with a wife and family who decides to learn to sing and surf, among other activities.

I mean, sure, he wrote a book about it and will hopefully recoup some of his expenses, but I can’t help thinking about his wife, and what it must have felt like for her as he went off on this mid-life journey disguised as work.

Sorry about the mess, honey, but I’m late for choir practice! It feeds my soul! Oh, can you take me to the airport next week? I’m off to Costa Rica for surfing lessons!

I’m probably not being fair. I’ve been sort of cranky lately. I mean, I’m more relaxed and sleeping way better with The Former Guy somewhat out of the picture, but there’s still a lot of bad stuff going down out there, and I have to force myself to let go of things I can’t control.

Note to self: Stay away from the hair clippers.

12 thoughts on “Two days and a wake-up”

  1. Have you thought about getting an air fryer? We got an inexpensive one from Costco recently and are having a ball using it. Much healthier than a deep fryer. The “fried” shrimp we tried was great.

    At first I didn’t like Schitt’s Creek but I plowed my way through it because so many people raved about it. I grew to really like it….in the end I thought it was a heart warming, funny show just perfect for quarantine times.

    1. I didn’t like Schitt’s Creek at first, either, but you’re right. Warm and funny and perfect for these times!

      Air fryers seem pretty cool. So far, we’ve resisted. We seldom eat fried food and don’t feel too guilty about enjoying the real thing.

      1. Air fryers make delicious sweet potato fries. I ram two sweet potatoes through a French fry maker, put them in a bag with 1 tbs of olive oil and some spices — then put them in the air fryer. Really good!

        1. Those sweet potato fries make me want to get an air fryer! Somehow I have to convince Dale, who claims to not like sweet potato fries, although I’m not sure he’s ever had them.

  2. Good to know that you weren’t into Schitt’s Creek to start, but it grew on you. Watched the first episode last night and thought, meh. We’ll keep going. We’ll have to check out Lupin. We’ve been enjoying Call My Agent, another French show on Netfix. We started watching French shows in 2019 as a way of getting ready for our trip to France in 2020 that, of course, didn’t happen. Kept on watching the shows, though.

    Did Dale try to fry a lot of stuff at one time? After watching the Great British Baking Show a billion times, I’ve learned that putting too many things in the fryer at one time lowers the temperature of the oil.

    Anytime you want to send me one of your art pieces, I’d gladly take it. 🙂 I can’t believe your relatives weren’t impressed.

    1. I’ll have to check out Call My Agent. Lupin was great.

      Dale knows not to overload the fryer, but at this point, I am not going to ask. He’s a wee bit sensitive.

      Thanks for the kind remarks about my art. I sincerely appreciate it!!

  3. Your frying story reminded me of my childhood. My mom kept a particular (deep) pot available for French fry making anytime we had the urge. This is especially unusual in that we didn’t eat junk food at all, other than the fries. Seriously most delicious fries ever. I haven’t made them in decades though, and in general I don’t fry much. I’ve made fried eggs and home fries a couple of times because I miss diner breakfasts so much. I am on the most serious news blockade ever. News shows are still talking about that man, and I just cannot listen/watch. Like you, I’m learning to let go of things I can’t control.

    1. My husband’s sister makes really good fries. They get a kind of potato in Maine that you can’t really get anywhere else.

      I like calling it a news blockade. I am so done with him.

  4. I’ve resisted buying an air fryer as, like you, I don’t fry many foods. Recently, I’ve been reading about the thermomix. It’s quite an expensive appliance but people are raving about all that can be done with this appliance and the Cookidoo wifi link. I’m waiting for things to get safe enough to visit a kitchen shop as I want to see a demo. Meanwhile, I’m chopping and stirring my own foods!

    1. I had never heard of the Thermomix but looked it up after reading your comment. Wow. That thing is right out of a science fiction movie. I can’t see us going in that direction, but I can definitely understand the appeal to some. Thanks for sharing. Quite interesting.

  5. I can so relate to feeling bad about ruined food! Especially what was supposed to be crispy, fried food! I hope you have better luck with your new fryer, when you get one.

    Congrats on the upcoming vaccine! I am not in the current priority group here in Texas, but that is okay, because apparently I am going to be blessed with 3 months of immunity…And in the meantime, I can check out the books and shows you recommended, since I will be having a couple weeks of rest. (See, I can find the positives about having a life threatening illness!)

    1. Hi Bethany — I am so sorry to hear about your illness. I hope your symptoms are mild and you recover quickly.

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