Cat food-powered entertainment centers
Usually on Saturdays I run my robot vacuum cleaner downstairs. There are a couple of footstools I stow out of the way, but I’ve never bothered to move the breakfast area chairs. This morning I noticed the floor was kind of messy where we eat, so I put the chairs up on the counter and the table to give the robot full access to said mess.
Well, it was a bonus day for Riley, our cat. Dale and I went to the grocery store while Robo was working hard, and when we returned, there was Riley, Mr. High and Mighty, resting happily in the chair. Cats are so funny. Dale calls them cat food-powered entertainment centers.
Two shots, same arm, same day
We got our Covid boosters and flu shots. Same arm, same day. Dale said his arm hurt, and he didn’t sleep well. My arm didn’t hurt too much, but I had my usual fever and chills following the flu shot. It’s just something I get. I used to premedicate with Tylenol three days prior, and that fixed it, but they don’t like you to premedicate with Covid shots, so I stopped doing it.
I like getting it all over at once, otherwise I could just space them out and premedicate again. But it’s only for a few hours while I’m sleeping. Still, it was a rough night, and I was pretty whipped first thing in the morning. By lunchtime, I felt OK, and today I feel GREAT.
Feeling so much better is like the opposite of yesterday, and it reminds me of that quote, “I feel sorry for people who don’t drink. When they wake up in the morning, that’s as good as they’re going to feel all day.”
Technology Upgrade
I love technology for the most part, but I hate this constant need to upgrade. My 2016 Kindle Fire has been misbehaving, so I finally caved and bought a new one. It was actually cheaper.
Here’s the rub. I ordered it this morning, and it arrived a few hours later. I mean, I’m not sure Jeff Bezos needs all that money, but damn, that’s pretty slick. I should also give him credit for free shipping both ways. For me, that was a game-changer. Although, I’m just going to say it. I hate Alexa, so no points there.
I just disabled her on my new Fire. That felt good.
Interesting credit card fraud
I was paying my credit card bill and reviewing charges when I saw a $175 purchase from Etsy and a $175 credit from Etsy. Now that’s interesting.
For the record, I have not been shopping on Etsy. But the credit? What’s up with that? I called my bank, and they said it was rather odd. I wondered if the criminals were somehow testing it? Anyway, I had to get a new credit card (again) and re-do all my autopays. I hate that.
However, I did learn one thing. They said it would take 7-10 business days, and I asked, “Is there anyway to expedite that?” And they said sure! I received my new card the next day. Lesson learned. Ask for what you want.
Men without hats
He wasn’t doing the safety dance, but when Dale and I were leaving for the grocery store, he put on his running hat, and I don’t know what made me notice it all of the sudden, but it is disgusting. I lovingly mentioned this to him, and he said when he was visiting his sister in August, she wanted to throw it away.
That made me laugh, so I texted his sister, and she said their other sister just threw her husband’s hat away and made him wear a new one. Clean hat? It’s not that hard.
I’ll close by wishing all the best to our friends in Florida and along the Eastern Seaboard. Ian is a monster. I will confess I briefly wished Ian would make landfall in Lindsey Graham’s backyard. You know, since it bypassed Mar-a-Lago? But then my better self took over, and I just kind of went with a general request for world peace and everyone’s safety.
Cats will keep you entertained sometimes! We had one that loved high places and always laid in a flowerpot on the front porch crushing our flowers.
They seem to get such pleasure from sitting in unusual places.
What kind of cat is Riley? If you know, then I’ll know what mine is. They look like litter mates, right down to the one white leg and one white leg with a black spot on it. Rocket was an abandoned kitten, so not really sure what he is….other than a fat cat that isn’t limber enough to get in high places.
Riley is a rescued Maine Coon mix. I have a cat desk calendar with a new cat picture every day, and I am amazed by how many look like Riley. We joke that we’re going to have to start garnishing his modeling wages. Most are shorter haired, though. Riley is long-haired and has large, tufted paws, which are a distinct characteristic of Maine Coons. He’s not much of a lap cat, but he’ll follow you around like a dog.
Ahh, I had not considered a Maine Coon mix. I’m leaning towards a Ragamuffin mix because of his normal sized paws, head and ears….plus mine will sit in my lap all day if I let him. Very high maintenance, to the irritation of hubs. Anyway, I think all cats are great.
I just got my new COVID booster and flu shot, but not on the same day. About a week apart. And then in another week, I get the pneumonia shot. Trying to space things out a bit. My only reaction seems to be a sore arm but not enough to affect my sleep. I sure hope I’m protected after all this!!
I get the spacing out thing. I still need to go back and get the new shingles vaccine. Dale said his arm hurt quite a bit. He wouldn’t get both shots in the same arm again.
Adore cats, we have two. We have curtailed most traveling because of them. I do have a reliable neighbor who I can hire to feed them if we want to go someplace. But I’m always worried they will be lonely without us.
Yes, I’m a certified lunatic.
Welcome to the club. I believe we travel less in large part because of the cat. And when we do go, we feel terrible. When we’re returning from a trip and getting closer to home, we start “talking” to him, letting him know we’re on the way! Once we do get home, we don’t unload anything until we’ve gone in and had a group hug.
Riley is decidedly cute – but yes to cat entertainment systems. We’re renting currently, so do not have one, but Himself stops most evenings on his way home to play with our neighbour’s little kitten. We’ve already offered to cat sit for her, except she never goes away – but she brings him over for a visit on a regular basis instead.
When I did have a cat, I spent an absolute fortune on cat sitters – far more than the holiday cost, and they weren’t cheap. It meant only going away every 2-3 years, but it was worth the lack of worry. He did give me a dirty look and made me work my way back into his good books when we got back. I miss the old boy 🙂 One day soon….
At least you’ve got some cat love in your life! Hope that next one comes soon.