Just another childless cat lady

It has been a few weeks since I’ve written, and I don’t have any excuses. You know, just another childless cat lady, making poor choices, doing what we do.

In spite of my shortcomings as a fertility goddess, things are remarkably good. Although I think Joe Biden is an excellent president, I believe he did the right thing by dropping out of the race. For the first time in months, I’m optimistic.

Is anyone else feeling it?

Kamala is bringing new energy to the election, and she  has my full support, even if it turns out she likes dogs better.

I had my annual oncology appointment, and while I’m not afraid like I used to be, it always feels great to walk out of there with a clean bill of health. It has been 25 years since my first cancer (ovarian) and nine years since the second (breast).

This time they asked me to see the nurse practitioner instead of the doctor, and although it felt like getting demoted, I understand the doctor has to prioritize. I don’t have active cancer, and I’m sure she’s got a boatload of people who do. I asked the nurse practitioner if I even need come anymore, and she said yes, mostly because I’m BRCA-positive. Lots can go wrong on the genetic front.  

Sadly, I am due for a colonoscopy, but my primary care physician will make that referral when I see her for my annual physical in August.  I’ve heard there are some new and better ways to do the prep, but I don’t believe any of that applies to me, since I am at higher risk.

I have been out and about more than usual for reasons I’ll go into later. And much to my surprise, wearing something besides golf or workout clothes has been rather enjoyable. I haven’t cared about fashion in years, but I’ve made an effort to look put together, and it makes me feel a little more with it, if you know what I mean. I still don’t want a job, but I’ve been thinking about other activities that might give me a sense of purpose.

The shoes I wore to work have all been purged. I still have some boots left, but everything else is Hoka or Birkenstock, so I’ve been wearing my “dress Hokas.” They look nice with my favorite pants, a tee and a denim jacket. I’m calling it retirement chic. It’s still hot outside, but I need the jacket for air conditioning, which always freezes me out.

I’ve even been blow drying my hair (since it’s not stuffed under a golf hat) and have had a lot of compliments on the cut and color – my natural silver. I’m so glad I gave up the dye.

So, I sort of like having somewhere to go besides the golf course, but I assume that could get old fast. But we shall see. In the meantime, I need to go brush the cat.

20 thoughts on “Just another childless cat lady”

  1. We may both be childless cat ladies, but we licked the Big C. And your all clear at the oncologist is mine, in solidarity. I salute you.

    1. It is a wonderful feeling to survive the Big C. May we both have many more years of good health and humor!

  2. Yes we are feeling very optimistic about Kamala Harris. And I get the issue about not wearing athleisure clothes all the time. I find that one thing I do miss from my work days is getting dressed up occasionally and very occasionally going to a formal event. I know I can throw away my tuxedo, but can’t let go of it because I enjoyed it so much. Well, we move on.

    1. Another vote for optimism!!

      I don’t miss the super-dressy stuff, but I definitely like looking respectable now and again. As you said, we move on.

  3. Just because some people have children does not mean that those people should have had children.

  4. I’m really a loser. Childless without a cat. But my husband and I keep busy paying more taxes so all those fine breeders can pay less.

    1. I think you can be a childless cat lady in spirit. As for the taxes, I just read this morning that Vance believes childless people should pay more taxes. That’s just nuts.

  5. Hi from another childless cat lady. I’m feeling so optimistic I ordered an inflatable paddleboard today. Glad you had a clean bill of health Donna!

    1. Nice move on the inflatable paddleboard. Optimism in action. A golf buddy of mine has been a surfer since she was a child. Now she surfs on a paddleboard. I don’t think I’m up for surfing at this point, but she has volunteered to teach a couple of us how to paddleboard. I’m eager to try it.

      Thanks for the congrats on the clean bill of health.

  6. I am stealing the phrase “my shortcomings as a fertility goddess” which made me smile. I recall many years ago reading an article that talked about ones “biological purpose” which was to procreate. I wonder if that was the beginning to my hating the word purpose.

    Alas, I am not a child-free cat lady, but a child-free doggy mom. Don’t hate on me. 🙂 However, I’m totally impressed you’ve gotten rid of all your work shoes! Why I still have 15 pairs of pumps in various colors, I have no idea. I wear flip flops most days! I said to my niece who was packing to visit, “When I go out, I wear my nice, blingy flip flops.” But yeah, still own many color-outfit coordinated heels!

    Congrats on your latest oncology report. I too breathlessly await my all-clear message, still on a 6-month evaluation. One of the women who was a cheerleader for me when I got my breast cancer was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer about a year ago at her 6 year mark…. brings chills to me every time I hear how she is doing. You never know what life will toss at you.

    Hope your summer is going fabulously!

    1. How about FFG? Failed Fertility Goddess. Just a thought.

      First they came for the childless cat ladies. Then they came for the child-free doggie moms … we have to stick together.

      Blingy flip flops sound like your version of my dress Hokas. I do not miss work shoes at all.

      The 6-month evaluation stage is tough. With all those visits, you never really forget about it. I will say it gets easier with time. And I wish you plenty of it!!

  7. Oh yes, Donna, I’m feeling so optimistic and hopeful now. Makes me want to shout “Coconuts!” I don’t miss the dressy attire, and I got rid of heels a few years ago. Casual and comfy is more my style these days. Congrats on your clean bill of health…enjoy! I still get anxious going in for my oncology checks, but I’m thankful for a great oncologist who is so positive and upbeat. Cheers to good health!

    1. I love coconut, so this is going to be a good fit for me!

      It’s hard not to be anxious about medical appointments, but a great oncologist helps. Cheers to your good health!

  8. Enjoyed your musings as usual.
    Even though I’m neither childless or a cat lady, I agree with all of your comments political and otherwise. I’ve also enjoyed the many very humorous memes etc. from so many people who have taken offense and responded to the stupid cat lady remarks.

    1. The memes are pretty awesome. I’ve been eyeing up cat lady swag on Amazon. I see a hat in my future. Always happy to hear from you!

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