Fox guarding the henhouse

I’m depressed about Trump, Musk, Vance, et al. Maybe writing about it helps me some, but I wonder if it just amplifies everything. The movers and shakers will make their mark one way or the other, but I still think the answer is for ordinary citizens to do small things you hope will make a difference and then go on and try to live a happy life no matter what.

Easier said than done, that’s for sure. I told myself, just do one thing today and then think about dinner. There’s usually a Law & Order rerun on Mondays. I hear that music, and I just kind of sigh in relief. Dun-dun.

Outrage of the day is Musk trying to get access to the IRS files. I don’t even know why I bothered to write my elected representatives, because it has probably happened by now, but we can only try. I still can’t get through on the phone, so I’m using the email feature on their websites. This is my message to my Democratic senators. As always, feel free to steal anything that resonates with you.

Please do whatever you can to stop Elon Musk from accessing anything, most recently the IRS and our taxpayer records. This is a gross violation of privacy and very frightening to the average American who pays taxes. Musk is unelected and has no right to anything, let alone our personal data. He does billions of dollars’ worth of business with the government, and he’s allowed to look at the finances? We would not let any other defense contractor in the world do that. All that, and Tesla didn’t pay any federal taxes last year, but he’s snooping around trying to stick it to honest citizens? Please stop him.

The next one went to my Republican congressman. He has a thing on his website about how ridiculous it is to think just because Trump hired Elon Musk as an accountant that it’s a threat to democracy.

I read your words about hiring Elon Musk as an accountant, wondering why some people think this is a threat to democracy. Because it is!  We, the people, did not hire or elect Elon Musk to anything. And now he’s trying to get access to the IRS records. Talk about fox guarding the henhouse.

This is a gross violation of privacy and very frightening to the average American who pays taxes. Musk is unelected and has no right to anything, let alone our personal data. He does billions of dollars’ worth of business with the government, and he’s allowed to look at the finances? We would not let any other defense contractor in the world do that. 

From what I’ve read, you are currently on board with the president and his administration violating the rights of average citizens, but I’m still writing because I hope at some point you will reconsider. Please reflect on your elected position and the oath you swore to defend the constitution. I can only believe you had a calling to serve your country, and I thank you for that. I may not like some of the conservative policies you support, but I respect differences of opinion. You can still make a difference and advance your agenda without burning down the house.

I have not spent any money on Amazon since I made a pledge to reduce my spending there by 50 percent. Thanks to your comments, I canceled my Amazon subscription to PBS Masterpiece and made a donation to PBS. Now I have PBS Passport, and you were right. Everything I could ever want is there.

What I’m eating

I’m still quite smitten with my sort of sweet but savory oatmeal. My favorite so far starts with one serving of regular rolled oats. When it comes out of the microwave, I pour it in a bowl and top it with about one tablespoon each of unsweetened coconut, currants and walnuts. Then I drizzle a little olive oil over the top. Oh, and a sprinkle of sea salt.

Tonight Dale’s making grilled Gochujang Burgers with Spicy Slaw from the NY Times. This will be our third time around. Because. It. Is. Delicious. If you can’t get through the firewall, the same recipe is here.

You start with a concoction of gochujang, garlic, rice vinegar, sugar, olive oil and sesame oil. Half of it gets mixed in with ground pork for the burgers and the other half is used for a tangy slaw made with carrots, bean sprouts, cucumbers and scallions. Put that on a toasted buttered bun with maybe a schmear of mayo, and it is heaven.

What I’m watching

Now that I’m on PBS Passport, I’m continuing to watch All Creatures Great and Small. It’s not my normal crime genre, but I just like that show. Another one I’ve started that isn’t on the crime spectrum is Seaside Hotel. It’s in Danish with subtitles and  follows the lives of guests and employees at a North Sea hotel prior to World War II. I haven’t gotten very far, but I like it.

On the crime front, also on PBS Passport, I’m enjoying The Mountain Detective. It’s about a former policeman who leaves the city for the mountains and discovers, guess what? Violence and crime. It’s in French with subtitles.

What I’m reading

I’m not reading much of anything. I think I’m too agitated. Two of my books on hold at the library came in, but it turns out the library is closed for repairs to the HVAC system. Talk about annoyed. I was able to get through to a librarian, who is going to have the books transferred to a nearby library, but that will be Wednesday at the earliest.

There are plenty of books in the house I could read, but I’m just not into them right now. I did finish kind of a fun read called Killers of a Certain Age by Deanna Raybourn. Four women retired from their jobs as professional assassins and discover someone is trying to kill them. The sequel, Kills Well with Others, is out next month.

18 thoughts on “Fox guarding the henhouse”

    1. Astrid surprised me, in that I ended up liking it so much. I think you’ll enjoy The Mountain Detective. Way better than the crimes in DC!

  1. Thanks for sharing your email comments – I copied verbatim and sent into both of my senators (both Democrats in a state – Virginia – with lots of newly unemployed). One day at a time. Recommend reading Michael Moore’s Substack post (Overwhelm, Overreach, Overthrow) for inspiration. PBS Passport is the best value, hands down.

    1. Yay! And thanks for the Michael Moore tip. I subscribed. That piece did give me a glimmer of hope.

  2. We have Democratic senators and representative (but we’re in a very red county.) Mine tell me their offices are overwhelmed with calls and our Rep. actually had a telephone Town Hall last week that over 6000 of us attended. I think it’s especially important if you live in a red state or area to let your senators and representatives know that not everyone is happy and ‘loves’ what is happening.
    We get DC local news here and the fallout from these ridiculous firings is getting out of hand. I take solace in the fact that the RIFs are starting to hit the red states. I read that 10% of the fired Forest Service employees were in Montana and many of the riffed USDA employees are in farming communities nationwide. It appears to me that DOGE has no idea who they are eliminating.
    As for clearing out the ‘swamp,’ they forced 16k employees back to the Navy Yard in DC where there are only 4k parking spaces and not enough office space according to local reports.
    Like you, I try not to dwell but must stay engaged.

    1. I read one of the late night comedians said oh, I didn’t know if I voted for Dracula he was going to suck my blood!

      You have inspired me to show up for one of my Republican congressman’s town halls.

  3. Yes the violation of our privacy is outrageous. I understand Musk has threatened to fund a primary against any Republican bucking Trump. Ya think we need campaign finance reform?? Courts are trying to deal with it but moving too slow. Congress is worthless. Dems are pretty pathetic, with very weak leaders. The upcoming debt ceiling is the best chance to get leverage, but not sure Schumer and Jeffries are up to it. They want to maintain comity with their Republican colleges, like it is 1950. Thanks for what you are doing in your blog. Write your Dem senators about the debt ceiling. Remember the no buy boycott on February 28. We can squeeze these bastards.

    1. OK, you’ve got my attention on the debt ceiling. I need to do some reading. Thank you, as always, for your insights.

  4. We share the same senators, and my congressperson is Blue too. I sometimes wonder what contacting them will accomplish (but I appreciate that you shared your email copy so I can steal from it). I also try not to spiral down the hole of despair, but I want to do something. I want our representatives to do something too. I wonder if their hands are tied as much as they say they are, or if they just lack the imagination and courage to stand up to tyrants.

    PBS Passport is wonderful. We are currently enjoying Funny Woman. No crimes… except for the way women were treated in the 60s.

    1. I don’t know. The way women were treated in the 60s. Might hit too close to home. Nah, it should be fine. I think we’re headed for the 1800s.

      I also wonder why the Democrats aren’t doing a better job of standing up to tyrants.

  5. I’m cheered by the lawsuits being lobbed at this administration. My fear is that they will be ignored and Trump and Company will get away with ignoring them. I listened to an interview on PBS Newshour today with a woman who said what I’ve believed all along: once the people who voted for Trump start suffering, they will pressure their representatives and maybe…maybe…that will turn the tide of the current head in the sand, don’t cross Trump posture going on by Republicans.

    I loved Seaside Hotel. It goes through WWII and the issues with the Germans who came into Denmark, even though Denmark was a neutral country. It’s history and comedy and drama all in one.

    1. My husband is putting his faith in the courts. I’m much too cynical to believe these creeps will follow the rule of law.

  6. I cringe as a Canadian listening to our prime minister being referred to as governor & this country being referred to as the 51st state. I am in disbelief that the leader of a country can act like a kindergartener. Every country & citizenship has it’s pros & cons; I’ve never been more proud to be Canadian.

  7. Our 50501 rally on Monday had over 1,000 people, which is great in a very red state. I was heartened to see that people in smaller towns like Medford, OR, held a rally yesterday.

    While you’re calling your federal legislators, be sure to mention that you don’t want PBS and NPR defunded. A legislator from Utah is proposing a bill to do just that.

    We just discovered a fun one on Passport called The Intern, which has nothing to do with hospitals. I guess in France there are judges and intern judges who do investigating along with the police. Our other favorite these days is Partners in Crime set in Potsdam. Is it weird that I find comfort in crime shows?

    1. It’s hard to know if we’re making a difference, but I do believe doing nothing is not an option.

      Thanks for the recommendations! I also find comfort in crime shows, but I don’t like true crime. Don’t know what’s up with that. I also avoid serial killers in fiction and in real life.

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