Dale did a commissary run today for the first time since all this started. He used to go twice a month for the basics, supplementing with specialty items at local stores. Commissaries are operated for military personnel, but retirees and family members with proper military ID can also use them. We save about 30 percent when we shop there. The closest one to us is about a 30-minute drive.
Yes, distance to commissary was on my retirement location spreadsheet!
Although we are in good shape supply-wise, he wanted to recon when we didn’t necessarily need anything as sort of a test. The commissary now requires masks, so that tipped in our favor.
When he got back, Dale said military people are great. “They want you to wear a mask? Done! No whiners.” He went right when they opened, and it wasn’t crowded. It was easy to keep his distance.
Dale said they were out of the same things everyone else is out of but otherwise well-stocked. He bought charcoal, Irish butter, eggs, onions, cheese, mayonnaise and my beloved Trop 50 orange juice. For some reason, that stuff is hard to find. Oh, and back-up to the back-up peanut butter. Which means more of those delicious cookies. How can I not?
If all goes well, Dale is back on the clock as supply chain manager. For me, it was a good run but good riddance. He is much easier to get along with when he has a mission. Pandemic Dale is kind of a drag. Pandemic Donna is no prize, either. We’ve been married 41 years, and this is the first time I ever asked myself why? But then there are moments when we feel closer than ever.
Maybe everyone is feeling it, because people around here are starting to act like the virus is gone. That scares us. Our county has low numbers, and I hope they are right, but we’re not banking on it. We continue to be cautious, and so far, nobody has hassled us. I read where people in some parts of California are saying rude things to those who wear masks, like, “You believe this hype? You’re nothing but sheep.”
All I have to say to that is baa.
Restaurants are opening, but we have no intentions of going. We hardly went pre-pandemic. We might loosen up a bit on short visits to the grocery store, but with masks, social distancing and hand-washing. There’s no place we need to go or want to go that requires us to linger inside.
The only other thing we miss are the wineries. It’s so nice to taste before you buy. And it’s usually a lovely drive out to the vineyards. We hardly ever purchase wine in a store anymore.
I’m not sure how the tasting rooms will re-open. We have been plowing slowly sipping our way through the inventory and look forward to replenishing the rack. In good pandemic news, I accidentally opened a bottle of late harvest Zinfandel. It’s more of a dessert wine, which we don’t typically drink. We must have purchased it on a whim.
I didn’t want to waste the wine, so I put a vacuum seal on it and stuck it in the fridge. I thought about making sorbet but chickened out. Then I decided to start drinking a small glass as an aperitif, perhaps as some drink Port at happy hour? This particular late harvest Zin is not super-sweet and went beautifully with some aged cheddar as an appetizer. Delicious.
So, wine remains to be seen. But if Dale can safely do a commissary run with supplemental trips to the local store, and if I can play golf, this marriage might be saved.