I had a fun-filled week, the most fun yet, and I thought, this is what retirement is all about! I played a lot of golf, but it doesn’t matter how you find fun – just find it and enjoy the absence of bullshit.
Yes, I said it. The best thing about retirement is the absence of bullshit. For background purposes, you should know I grew up in a dysfunctional family replete with said bullshit. So, what did I do when I graduated from high school? I joined the Army, where they invented bullshit.
After the Army and college, I joined the workforce, spending much of my career in a corporate setting. Some might say corporate jobs are the definition of bullshit, but for many, they are completely satisfying. Perhaps others are better at handling nonsense. I think it depends on what you do and where you are in the pecking order. I was a journalism major who spent my professional life in public relations.
I’m grateful I was able to earn a good living on my meager talents. And in the words of Bob Dylan, you gotta serve somebody. I was truly proud to serve my country and the excellent companies that were kind enough to employ me, but I don’t miss it.
Retirement is life in the bullshit-free zone. It’s like the vacation you would have had if they just left you alone. No drama, no phone calls at night, no emails that must be answered before you take your next breath, no crazy deadlines, no stupid decisions driven by ego or possibly madness.
Don’t have to worry if my hair looks appropriate for the office, and no one cares what shoes I wear. No alarm. The onset of daylight usually wakes me up, and the day is open to whim. True, there are always chores, paperwork and appointments. But they are my chores, and no one jumps in during the middle and says, “Stop! Everything you know is wrong!”
Dale and I saw a lot of the world when we were young and don’t have a big travel Jones. Lived overseas for eight years – we just like hanging out, reading, writing, cooking, tending to our home and enjoying our hobbies.
As for hobbies, I made a perfect batch of yogurt after several unsuccessful tries. Fresh homemade yogurt is a worthy retirement pursuit.
I’ve also been using topical cannabis for various aches and pains. With four rounds of golf in five days, I can tell you, it’s working. The exciting part is I’m going to make it myself! I’ve ordered all the supplies, and I should have a batch done by the end of the weekend. I can’t wait to share more about this experiment.
Also on the docket for this weekend: Our first attempt at Tomahawk steak, which looks like something Fred Flintstone would eat. We are also doing an inventory of our camping gear – the season is upon us! And being able to camp in the middle of the week should open up some primo spots.
All in all, my expectations for retirement were pretty simple, and I would say I am significantly exceeding them. Of course, the future is filled with endless possibilities, but for now, my happy low-key bullshit-free life feels pretty good.