My husband and I moved to Texas in 2006, and sometime after that, my sister-in-law gave us a Wii for Christmas. We had a perfect place to put it and enjoyed many hours of play. Then we moved to California and downsized. There was no place to put the Wii, so it sat in a closet with corroding batteries we failed to remove prior to storage.
We’re still in California, but we have a bigger home and a perfect place to put the Wii. All the components were together in a plastic tub out in the garage, and I brought it in yesterday to see if I could get the system set up. I couldn’t find the remote to the TV. I found 5,000 other remotes but not that one. First trip to Best Buy was to purchase a universal remote.
That worked. I set up the Wii and got the right input for the TV. Cleaned corrosion in the remotes and installed new batteries. Some of the functions worked and some did not. Dale and I concluded new remotes would fix us right up.
For the second trip to Best Buy, I started wandering around the game section when a clerk asked if I needed help. Looking for Wii remotes, I replied. He said oh, we haven’t carried those since we stopped selling Wii.
Excuse me?
Apparently, while I was busy earning a living and preparing to retire, Wii fizzled. I completely missed it. Yes, my brain was full, but I feel sort of old and sad I didn’t know Wii wasn’t a thing anymore. No longer an early adopter, no longer a trendsetter. Just another old fogey who isn’t up on the latest thing.
I don’t even know what latest thing replaced Wii. Xbox? I kind of thought that was for teenagers. I certainly don’t want to squander my retirement hunting monsters or stealing cars. I liked sports-oriented games such as bowling, archery, boxing and baseball. The games to improve your balance were also quite good.
Obviously, we need some sort of replacement game. Our Wii was a lot of fun, but I don’t want to throw more money into a trying to resurrect an obsolete system. I would love to hear your suggestions!
In the meantime, I will rest on my laurels, which I must say are substantial. I bowled a perfect game and was an elite Frisbee Dog athlete. I won the Masters! All that’s gone now, but I have my memories.